I have just uploaded my slides presented to the Trusts Special Interest Group about the court case between Blackburn Trustees and Crowe Horwath International in the High Court and the lessons we can draw from this judgement about Capital Gains Tax and the Brightline Test.
Recent Podcasts
- Tax changes for charities proposed.
- Latest from OECD on international information exchanges.
- Tax Policy Charitable Trust Scholarship co-winner Andrew Paynter on his proposal to increase GST to 17.5% with a refund tax credit for low-and middle-income individuals.
- The Government’s tax and social policy work programme is announced.
- An historic UK Budget with plenty of ramifications for Kiwis and IR’s crackdown continues
- Is there a non-compliance issue with overseas income?
- How to fund the rising cost of superannuation.
- Latest OECD report on tax policy reforms.
- IRD draft guidance on FBT and travel between home and work.
- In Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, we look at Māori taxation and business.